Privacy Policy

General information

This policy sets out our privacy practices and explains how we handle the information we collect when you visit and use our sites, services, mobile applications, products, and content (“IdeaJudge”) provided by Ideajudge Inc. (IdeaJudge), in existence now or in the future. Please read it carefully.

The information we collect

We collect information volunteered by you (such as through registration), and e-mail address.

When you log into IdeaJudge or load a web page from IdeaJudge, we collect and store your Internet Protocol address. We may use this information to fight spam, malware, and identity theft; to personalize IdeaJudge for you; or to generate aggregate, non-identifying information about how people use IdeaJudge.

How we use your information

We will use your personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected or agreed with you, for example:

  • To provide our services to you, to carry out the transaction you requested and to maintain our relationship;
  • To confirm and verify your identity or to verify that you are an authorised user for security purposes;
  • For the detection and prevention of fraud, crime, money laundering or other malpractice;
  • To conduct market or customer satisfaction research or for statistical analysis;
  • For audit and record keeping purposes;
  • In connection with legal proceedings.

Email communications with us

We may occasionally need to email you some administrative info, tell you something important about your account or changes to our services, or update you on new policies. We will never email you to ask for your password or other account information. If you receive such an email, send it to us so we can take action.

Disclosure of your information

The information we collect is used to provide and improve IdeaJudge and prevent abuse. We don’t sell personal information about our users to any third party.

We may disclose your personal information to our service providers who are involved in the delivery of services to you. We have agreements in place to ensure that they comply with these privacy terms. We may also disclose your information where we have a duty or right to disclose in terms of law or industry codes.

While IdeaJudge endeavors to provide the highest level of protection for your information, we may share your personal information with third parties in limited circumstances, including: (1) with your consent; or (2) when we have a good faith belief it is required by law, such as pursuant to a subpoena or other judicial or administrative order.

If we’re going to release your information, our policy is to provide you with advance notice unless we are prohibited from doing so by law or court order (e.g., under laws such as 18 U.S.C. 2705(b), also known as gag orders). If you do not challenge the disclosure request, we may be legally required to turn over your information.

We may disclose your information without providing you with prior notice if we believe it’s necessary to prevent imminent and serious bodily harm to a person. In that case, we will endeavour to provide you with post-disclosure notice when permitted by law.

We will independently object to requests for access to information about users of our site that we believe to be improper.

If we’re acquired by or merged with another company and your information becomes subject to a different privacy policy, we’ll notify you before the transfer. You can opt-out of the new policy by deleting your account during the notice period.


A cookie is a small piece of text, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, sent to and saved by your web browser when you access a website. We use cookies to enable our servers to recognize your web browser and tell us how and when you use IdeaJudge. We use cookies to identify whether you have logged in and recognize that your web browser has accessed aspects of IdeaJudge, and we may associate that information with your account if you have one. This information, in turn, is sometimes used to personalize your experiences on IdeaJudge when you are logged in. To measure the deliverability of our emails to users, we may embed information in them, such as a web beacon or tag.

Most browsers have an option for disabling cookies, but if you disable them you won’t be able to log into your IdeaJudge account, and won’t be able to use the vast majority of services provided by IdeaJudge.

We respect Do Not Track (“DNT”) settings in browsers. If you are logged out of our services and have DNT enabled, we will not set cookies that can be used to aggregate information about your usage. We may use some cookies to enhance your experience by storing preferences or options. Again, you must have cookies enabled in order to log into our services.

Information security

We are legally obliged to provide adequate protection for the personal information we hold and to stop unauthorised access and use of personal information. We will, on an ongoing basis, continue to review our security controls and related processes to ensure that your personal information is secure. Our security policies and procedures cover:

  • Physical security;
  • Computer and network security;
  • Access to personal information;
  • Secure communications;
  • Security in contracting out activities or functions;
  • Retention and disposal of information;
  • Acceptable usage of personal information;
  • Governance and regulatory issues;
  • Monitoring access and usage of private information;
  • Investigating and reacting to security incidents.

Your rights – access to information

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you. To do this, contact us at the addresses listed below and specify what information you would like. We will take all reasonable steps to confirm your identity before providing details of your personal information. Please note that any such access request may be subject to a payment of a legally allowable fee.

Modifying your personal information or deleting your account

If you are a registered IdeaJudge user, you can access or modify your personal information or delete your account. After logging into your account, you can modify and save any changes needed under the edit profile option on your dashboard.

We aim to maintain our services in a manner that protects information from accidental or malicious destruction. This means that after you delete information from our services, we may not immediately delete residual copies from our active servers and may not remove information from our backup systems.

How to delete your user account – Email Alert subscriber

Step 1

Open any alert email you have received from IdeaJudge. Click on Edit Categories. This will log you into your account automatically and take you to your user dashboard.

Step 2

Under the Edit profile option in your dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will find a button labelled Delete profile.

Step 3

Click on the Delete profile button. Upon clicking on the button, you will be asked if you are sure you wish to continue. Click OK to confirm, and your account will be deleted along with the associated data.

How to cancel your business account – Business Member

To cancel or delete your business membership, you will need to cancel your paid membership first. Should you wish to cancel your membership, please contact us by email on:

[email protected] or [email protected]

We will respond to your request and confirm cancellation within 24 hours.

Changes to this Policy

IdeaJudge may periodically update this policy. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your IdeaJudge account or by placing a prominent notice on our site before the changes take effect.


We welcome questions, concerns, and feedback about this policy. If you have any suggestions for us, feel free to let us know at [email protected].

© 2024 IdeaJudge Inc. All rights reserved.